Hispanic Owned Business Certification

New Mexico SBA™ enables Hispanic business owners to give purchasing managers, contractors, lenders, customers, and others business partners evidence their company is owned by one of more Hispanic people1 and is registered with Hispanic Owned Business Certification. Hispanic business owners are receiving more opportunities from government and Corporate America; greater visibility in media; and gaining leadership roles throughout society.

Requirements for Hispanic Owned Business Certification1

  • 51% of the Company's Ownership Must Be a Person Claiming Ancestry from a Spanish or Portuguese-speaking country, as efined by the Small Business Act.

    Spanish-Speaking Countries: México, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, Spain, Equitorial Guinea, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico.

    Portuguese-Speaking Countries: Portugal, Brasil, Angola, Cape Verde, East Timor, Equitorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe.

    All Other Countries: Any person who self-declares their ancestry to have passed-through a Spanish or Portuguese-speaking country, including African or Black slaves; indigineous tribes; Asians; and others are eligible for Hispanic Owned Business Certification.

  • Company Must Be Registered in the State of New Mexico.
  • Fluency in Spanish / Portuguese is not Required & All Skin Colors can Apply.

Reasons for Certification

  • Establish Company Image & Reputation
  • Solicit Community & Peer Recognition
  • Exhibit Company Pride & Honor
  • Publicize Company Ownership Structure
  • Distinguish Oneself from Competitors
  • Be a Role Model for Hispanic Youth

Certification Package Includes

  • New Mexico SBA™ Certification Number
  • Signed Letter of Certification
  • Certification Certificate
  • Certification Seals & Decals
  • 24-Hour Online Verification
  • 24-Hour Cellular Phone Verification

New Mexico SBA™ Hispanic Owned Business Certification does not require audited financial statements; no classroom or course attendance; no minimum years in operation; no "on-site examination" of your company's office, and U.S. citizenship is not required. New Mexico SBA™ Business Certification verifies the certification status of up to 2.8 million New Mexico-registered companies and is the most transparent certification offered in the state of New Mexico.


1. New Mexico SBA™ Terms of Service.
24-Hour Cellular Phone Verification

Hispanic Fortune 500 CEOs

White = 92.6%
Hispanic = 3.4%
Asian = 2.4%
Black = 1%
Other = 0.6%
New Mexico SBA™
Hispanic Owned Business Certification
Hispanic Flags
President of New Mexico SBA™
Lic. Jamie Deméricas
Universidad Regiomontana
Monterrey, N.L., México